• evans says:

    my divorce was finalised 2mks ago. I am still standing, because i know it is sheer pride that kept him from not withdrawing. He feels he is no longer an adulterer. He is friendly on phone and comes around to visit me. He is bending backwards to help me with financial issues and other issues. He will discuss our local sport with me which we are all very interested in. His alienator is of a different ethnic group and they do not have the same interests as we have. Even if my mlcer neva returns, which i know he will. I shall continue to stand and wait until he is ready to say I have erred. When he lets his guard down he wil admit that he is sorry but he is a very stubborm proud man. The prodigal first had to eat with the pigs before he took the courage to go back home and return as a servant. God must first break that stubbornness in my husband and he will be back. I am not giving up and i do not see light coming through the dark tunnel, but rays of sunshine

  • shell says:

    my husband walked out 1 1/2 yrs ago and moved in with the co worker that he left for. Hes been sneakingly living with her the whole time. he said he didn't want a divorce, just to be legally separated for insurance purposes. Now he has told me he wants the divorce because he want to just end it that it would be better for everyone. we have a 23 and 17 year old and he hasn't had any contact with them since she left. Hes a totally diff person then he was before. I have had very limited contact with him in all this time. Is it still possible that he will leave this other woman? It doesn't seem likely. she was also married and has divorce. It seems they are both on the rebound but very wrapped up in each other. Its so very confusing. I still very much love the man he was, but he is a diff person now. He acts like the last 23 years of marriage and two kids never happened. He is free with no responsibilities or obligations. should I continue to stand hoping that the man I once knew comes back and continue to let him ignore all of us like we don't exist. Im not sure whats right anymore.

  • Tayana says:

    I was with my ex for 3 years, he cheated on me so we split, before he left me, we were planing to get married in the future, I loved him so much but I became tired of him lying to me every time he opens his mouth, I went into search for help in the internet, I tried many different spells from almost every place locally as well as online and none of them worked, I almost gave up hope because I thought i will never see my lover again forever, one day i saw some testimony about this powerful spell caster Mr Robinson i emailed him and i asked him to help me bring back my lover and he did A Lover Spell for me And after some days, my lover returned back to me I’d like to say that i got a positive result from(robinson.buckler@ (yahoo). com) ever since i used his love spell, my lover have learned to appreciate me more and more day by day, and he doesn’t take me for granted,

  • James Pedro says:

    Am James Pedro am from USA, there is this spell caster from africa his name is DR LAGI he help me get back my ex with in 24hrs I got his email online and I email him and he said if I trust him that my ex will come back so I told him that I trusted him so the next day I had a knock on my door to my greatest surprise it was Sonia my ex so all thanks to DR LAGI here are many other spell he can cast

    Spell for magic
    Spell for exam success
    Spell for kidney problem
    Spell for H.I.V and AIDS
    Spell for cancer
    Spell to keep your job secure
    Spell to get a job
    Spell to get a husband
    Spell to get your child from your ex
    Spell for stroke
    Spell for your ex to be submissive to you
    Spell for you to get back your ex
    Spell to stop your ex from drunkenness
    Spell for asthma
    Spell for weak ejaculation
    Spell for pile
    Spell for fibrous

    If you are interested email him urgently

  • Mel says:

    Sorry to be commenting on such an old post, but I was reading through the blog archive and this jumped out at me.

    "I’m not saying that a Vanisher is more likely to be in a non-crisis transition than a crisis; I just don’t know. Though I do think they are more likely than Close Contacters to be in a non-crisis transition."

    This is why I think it is very important to distinguish between Vanishers who divorce before they vanish and Vanishers who disappear without divorcing.

    A person who walks out of a marriage and doesn't bother to divorce and simply vanishes is NOT going through a non-crisis transition. This is the action of someone who is clearly very confused and messed up. To abandon a spouse and/or family without even bothering to legally end it and sever the tie is not the action of a person experiencing a "transition." It's the running away/fleeing absurdity of a person in crisis.

    If my H had given me the ILYBINILWY speech and then filed for D, submitted all paperwork in a timely manner, didn't avoid dealing with the D at all costs, and then severed all ties and vanished only after all loose ends were tied up, I might consider the fact that he is in transition. Even then, it doesn't necessarily mean he isn't in crisis, but that's the case where I would seriously consider if he's in a non-crisis transition.

    I personally do not believe that any person would vanish and avoid ending their marriage or dealing with their spouse in any way unless they were in full blown crisis and were emotionally and psychologically incapable of dealing with the situation they left behind.

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