• hope says:

    What if your Mlc er has an affair (is it still over or are they reconnected again, Not sure ) : and he is still living at home. Telling you it never will come to reconciliation. Crazymaking. He says he won´t leave because of the kids. I even told him to go and live with her for 6 months or so, and whether he wants her for real. He doesn´t want to. But doesn´t leave either. Sometimes I guess living apart would be easier…..

  • Maive says:

    Although I know my spouse has mlc, the affair leaves me in panic and an outrageous anger. Bomb drop was 10 months ago I still feel devastated. My spouse lives also at home. He lost his job and sometimes I guess him only staying here because of money issues. The fact he isn't a W.A.S. but having MLC because he doesn't go to social events anymore and not seeing our friends anymore but made new ones, mostly like the allienator many years younger

  • jbarruso says:

    Call it MLC, W.A.S. or divorce happy culture the underlying issue in all three instances is an absence of faith. So it would be more accurately referred to as "a crisis of faith." In all three instances the poor behaviors are symptomatic of a heart condition. This condition can only be resolved by a change of heart (maturity) through love and commitment and a shift away from self centeredness to selflessness. This kind of selfless love is only possible through a reliant relationship with Jesus Christ as your strength and support. I know this because I survived my wife's walk away/midlife crisis-like behavior that included an ongoing, openly conducted affair while continuing to live at home. Eventually she would leave and file for divorce. We reconciled three years ago and continue to grow stronger day by day.

    • Mark says:

      Thank you for your post. I agree that both MLC and WAS are "crises of faith" and symptomatic of a heart condition. I found your comments encouraging as I face a similar circumstances. How long did your ordeal last?

      • jbarruso says:

        Hi Mark – the most intense portion of the crisis lasted about two years. From the discovery of my wife's affair to the time we reconciled and moved back in together. Before that we struggled most of our 12 years of marriage. Where are things at for you currently? You can find me on facebook if you prefer to send a private message. https://www.facebook.com/joe.barruso

        • Mark says:

          Message was sent to your Facebook email.

          • jbarruso says:

            Sorry, Mark I don't see anything on my FB? Please try again. Best – Joe https://www.facebook.com/joe.barruso

          • Mark says:

            I think it went to your "other folder" in Facebook because we aren't connected.

          • jbarruso says:

            HA! I didn't know I had a folder on FB. How about you try and "friend" me then you can private message me?

          • Mark says:

            Joe, for some reason, I can't "friend" you on FB, so here's my question/ordeal:
            16 months ago my wife of 25-years asked me for a divorce. Her request shook me up and forced me to re-evaluate my life, particularly my relationship with God. I began making the needed changes in my life during this time. I conviced her to hang on, and we tried marriage counseling for about 4 months, but that only made things worse. During the past 3-months she has become increasingly obstinate, tells me "she's done," and she repeatedly tells me she’s pursuing a divorce (she even had an initial consultation with an attorney). Last week I uncovered evidence that she is having or is about to have an affair. My pain is intense. I expect to receive divorce papers soon.
            I don’t know if my situation is a MLC or WAS. Regardless, I see the biggest issue playing out in my marriage is my wife’s “crises of faith” as she no longer beleives marrriage

            A couple of questions:
            1. What brought your wife back to you (i.e., what convinced your wife to reconcile)?
            2. What marriage resources did you turn to help you through your difficult time?


          • jbarruso says:

            Hi Mark,

            First, I'm really sorry to hear your news. I know all too well the pain you are experiencing. I imagine more so after 25 years of marriage and trying to save it!

            For anyone in your situation here is what I suggest:
            1) do anything and everything to stall the divorce process. Time is your friend in this. drag it out. Make certain she understand you do not agree with divorce. Get an attorney who understands your desire to save your marriage and will do his best to help you.
            2) with regard to your wife and interactions be remorseful and sorrowful for what has happened
            3) with great HUMILITY own your part in the problems
            4) try to steer clear of debating or criticizing her point of view – ONLY validate. Validate does not mean you agree
            5) simultaneous to owning your part generously you are not a doormat – an affair is not okay
            6) if you evidence of the affair is solid then I suggest you discuss it with her – that can be very sensitive, make certain your evidence is solid because she is going to deny it more than likely – that's okay you expect that and stay firm in your position
            7) next she will respond to the disclosure of her affair with anger and likely you'll get the divorce papers soon after – that's ok you've given her something to think about

            Persons who are cheating cant really be reasoned with. You present your side as truth and with love and then let it seep slowly. Don't expect an immediate good response.

            Here's my e-mail address: jbarruso@mac.com

            Send me an e-mail.

            I can give you more info.

            One of the best resources is the following: http://www.marriagehelper.com/joe_beam_marriage_e

            Joe Beam is a gentlemen and was was extremely helpful to me. I even met with him in person. He is Christian and has personal experience with affairs and reconciliation.

            Maybe you could convince your wife to do his seminar as a last ditch effort. At best it helps – at worst it is a good stall tactic.

            Please e-mail me – we'll talk more soon.

  • BigginHillBilly says:

    The above article is garbage. Would a woman make the same distinction between a man in MLC and a man who just decides to leave his wife? Why is there a presumption that the man needs to change but the woman doesn't need to compromise in any way? Would a man who attempted to 'change' (!) his wife and decided it wasn't worth the effort be treated with such courtesy and consideration? Of course he wouldn't. He'd be a faithless ratbag wouldn't he? He'd have the kind of machismo attitude so detested when directed AT women directed towards him BY women, i.e he's needs to man up and take responsibility, he can't take it, he's a wimp etc etc etc. But that's ok when it a woman doing it isn't it? It's these sorts of double standards that leads men to generally ignore so much that women have to say to and about them unfortunately. You can't have your cake and eat it ladies.

  • deltaflyer12 says:

    In my case I had no arguments or complaints about lack of attention, two weeks before bomb drop she suddenly and dramatically told me she loved me to bits and I thanked her as she had not said that to me for at least a decade. Yes she could have planned it for years around the children leaving homes it occurred around the time line. If that is the case I've been in an emotionally manipulative relationship and that scares me. Who knows what's she's done over the years. She's having a tough time since divorce. Her parents are both victims of her replay shames , her strait laced mom is bedridden with strokes, she was fine before this happened and so was her dad who now has dementia . Her family hate her for this, she's split another 33yearr marriage up and indeed has affaired down with a bar fly who cheated on his former wife before so let's see what the future brings in her new relationship. As for me I'm terrified of another relationship this has been so painful and even after nearly three years is on my mind daily and affects my work and relationships with women in general . I hope I will recover in time and my children will not suffer in their relationships in the future as the example their mom has set may cause emotional damage to them long term .

  • Mel says:

    can a walk away wife also apply to a man?

    • Mel says:

      Sorry didn’t see all the comments until after I posted this. Can a W.A.S marriage be salvaged, my husband couldn’t approach me about certain topics as I would get angry (really angry about a certain friendship with another woman – she acted like she was our friend and he sees her like a sister) he would hide that he’d seen her from me because he didn’t want to hurt me, then I would find out and get angry……it got worse because he then couldn’t tell me because I would angry…..ragy bitch angry. I was screaming for his attention and he was building a wall and just gave up and I wasn’t listening so he told me there was someone else who he’d fallen for but she didn’t know???……..I still don’t know if things have happened but I assume something has…….I’m going to anger management, I’ve done a lot of soul searching, I haven’t reacted to things I maybe should have. I just am so confused if it’s MLC or if he just really gave up? I think his feelings for someone else has clouded his judgement but does that mean my feelings have clouded mine?

  • astrologer in usa says:

    So your partner is gone. You have choices now. But none of them are awesome. You can’t behave how you’d like to — lash out, sabotage, go crazy, burn the house down (unless you’re willing to spend some time in the pokey or the looney bin.)

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