• Rosie says:

    I do think sometimes that the term "midlife crisis", to the general public has become a cliche and even a joke. If a man or woman suddenly becomes involved in changing their body-image, style – buys a convertible, etc. people will say, oh-they are having a mid-life crisis! The lbs & the families are SO aware that this is not the extent of a mid-life crisis! We only wish it was!

    Transition crisis is closer to the gyst of the problem but it isn't specific enough to the events that arise in our situation and midlife transition could be a positive as well as a negative. I think Midlife Transition Crisis sums it up but then there is that "midlife crisis" phrase again. What about something more clinical such as Midlife Transition Trauma or Traumatic Midlife Transition?

  • lgo says:

    "I think that often it is a disagreement with terminology that leads people to deny the existence of midlife crisis."
    I totally agree with this statement. It is a joke, kinda like referring to a moody person as bipolar (another term quickly becoming cliche) Since there are many transitions that must be traversed in life, leaving "midlife" out makes sense to me. As an Lbs, I believe MLC should be given a strong diagnosis type name, that can describe the loss of ability to function in most areas of life. How about dysfunctional transition disorder? I also like transitional depressive disorder.

  • usedtobeegood says:

    I think Midlife Crisis is fine, however I don't think all Midlife transition is actually a crisis. For instance I (wife) distinctly remember in my thirties going through a midlife transistion. I evaluated my life, decided I liked myself, experimented with some harmless flirtations and knew that I was happy at home, etc. My husband on the other hand had a midlife crisis about 1½ ago, complete with crazed behavior, threats to leave the marriage, a short fling with a friends wife, etc. My point is if "Midlife Crisis" is only used to describe true crisis episodes then why change the name? Certainly if we're talking about a 22 year old guy who can't handle a new baby in the house, teenage crisis's or a 70 year old who still combs over then… that's not midlife and they deserve a label of their own!

    • Rollercoasterider says:

      MLC is a Midlife Transition, not the other way around. All MLCs are MLTs just as all squares are rectangles. In 'Seasons of a Man's Life,' Daniel Levinson said Life Transitions occur every 7-10 years on average.
      I don't want it changed, but many people will not accept the term, but it's already established, so I don't think it matters whether some people don't like it.
      What if my web address were transitionaldepressivedisordermarriageadvocate.com and every instance of the word midlife crisis/MLC were Transitional Depressive Disorder/TDD. People keyword search midlife crisis and a change might take years to become ingrained in the fabric of society.
      People think many MLC behaviors describe true crisis episodes of people who are not in midlife, so they feel it should not have an age-related term in the name. For me the umbrella term is Life Transition and Midlife Transition specifies an age group that may have specific behaviors or motivations; adding the word crisis indicates a level of severity.

      My recent post Midlife Crisis- Should it be Renamed

  • […] or stage of life. That’s a valid question which I addressed in a response to that article. Midlife Crisis: Should it be Renamed? This article did point out that both Carl Jung and Erik Erikson considered it as a normal part of […]

  • Jennifer says:

    My H is having his mid-life moment in another country, where it is referred to simply as quareton, which translates to being in your 40's. I personally think that when you label it a crisis, you are giving them liberty to do as they please, since then they have the advantage of that label to justify their actions.

  • Strongwind says:

    i believe that every human being who is past the age of 18 or 21 is responsible for their actions. The law does not condone certain behaviors because we give them a name. Our spouses want to make up for lost time and feel entitled to lash out in irresponsible ways towards their family but they are selective in their lashing out. They r careful not to act in ways that will jeopardize they personally. They plan with anger and purposely hurt the ones that love them. Teenagers are reckless but theso called MLcer plots to secure their new found freedom/fun. I believe it boils down to character….how much fear it’s involved. We tend to excuse these men and women’s behavior under the pm tells of midlife crisis. Would we do the same if these individuals were not our spouses? They destroy lives and murder the soul. There is no excuse for that. NONE

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