• patience says:

    RCR–so good to see this series. It's obviously well researched. I would like to add one thing as it was very helpful for me. My therapist called this phase an adrenaline crisis. He told me our bodies can only take this phase for about 6 weeks. It's uncomfortable to think of it lasting 6 weeks when it is happening, but in the scheme of MLC, 6 weeks in nothing. He was also exactly right. After about 6 weeks my appetite began to slowly return and some of the other symptoms you've described here began to diminish. It's also good to advise people to take care of their health. It's likely that with all the stress one will become sick. It was also a bit of a relief to know that some of this would go away in 6 weeks.

    • Rollercoasterider says:


      Adrenaline crisis is a good term since epinephrine is adrenaline. I think it took me about 2-3 weeks after Bomb Drop to figured out how serious things were. I'd been on a diet since the previous July and was just starting to pick back up after the holiday slump. But there was no significant weight loss or change in those 1st 2-3 weeks. Then it started and it was sudden. I lost 35 ounds in 7-8 weeks and I had to buy new clothes every week-and-a-half.
      My recent post Is Divorce Just a Piece of Paper Part 2

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