• Dawnanne chase says:

    I appreciate all that you have written about MLC! My husband walked out this past August with no trying or working on our marriage just announced he wasn’t in love with me anymore no warning previous to this announcement. After 36 years I am crushed, it’s like an alien took over his body and mind and noone knows him at all. He has crushed our 4 grown sons and barely makes attempts to see them only once every 6 weeks for dinner. Has only seen the grandkids 2 or 3 times in 4 months and used to see them 3times a week regularly. My heart breaks for myself, my boys and for him because I don’t think he knows the destruction he has caused. I think he is liking the single life with his new girlfriend! So sad, but trying to move on with my life as best I can. Thanks for the articles they have really helped me!
    Dawnanne chase

  • Joanne says:

    I feel your pain. My husband and I are in the middle of a divorce. He's not in love with me. He hooked up with his soulmate from 30 years ago. They have been in touch with each other for our 25 years of marriage. He waited for our children to be older that way they would be fine with the divorce. They are not fine. It hurts me so to see them hurting. They don't want to even see "him" that's what they call their father. But h is very happy he has his freedom. He said he was never in love with me. Married me because he had pity for me.
    I'm trying to move on . I'm in therapy and also divorce care, which is a wonderful program.
    Stay strong Dawnanne, it's a tough road that we are on but we will come out better then ever!

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