• chely5150 says:

    OMG im so glad to have stumbled upon your website. Since discovery of husbands affair 6 months ago (married 19 yrs) I have read so much I think my head is starting to hurt. And your information doesn't make it better – I mean that in a positive way as I think you understand the situation better than most who have a website. However, I have not seen you address when a LBS spouse (me) and husband have decided to stay together in the same house. Unfortunitely as I could see what I had contributed to break down of marriage (and my husbands reminder) I became a pursurer and "mother". I have also started real estate licensing school but being a e-course I don't get out much. At first it was ok you know 3 steps forward and 1 step back and 2 days to recover, that because he is experiencing severe bpanick attacks, vertigo, severe headaches etc. I once again have become over clingy again and then get upset when he pushes me away. So I decided to move out for 30 days I explained that I felt I needed some space to breathe maybe he did too and where I would be and what date I would return on. However as usual im second guessing nmy choices. HJe is an severe stealth narcissist DEEP in MLC, I am as well an inverted narcissist (co-dependant) I recognize that. He knew this woman from working together before nmeeting me. Thjey stayed in touch I think some men and women can be friends, and our family went to a bbq many hyears ago at her house (with her family) I know she has had an affair before my spouse and she almost killed her husband and two boys mayb 10 years ago driving ski boat drunk, at nite ran up bank flipped boat. Started "just friends" I have read this book, and then progressed. he states that they never met in person but I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT AT ALL. I know they have txtd for a long time , for 5yeatrs it started to increase then I think about a year ago hooking up. Even though he has admitted some guilt shame or embarrassment(not remorse) he still will claim he didn't have affair LOL I have no solid eveidence but enough circumstatinal to connect the dots. I believe he ended it but may have recently hooked up again I don't know I am kept in dark it would be very easy for him to continue without my knowledge as being high up in his company he can come and go plus use phone and computers I have no access to – any time he wants. He does have a very stressful job and does work long long hours . I know our marriage in past really sucked but he has been emotionally abusive to me for entire marriage I tried to leave twice alsways persuaded back. went into shut down mode for several years I decided I needed to bring myself back and work on marriage when I discovered txt messages and the bomb exploded. I am really trying to let him heal himself cuz I gotta try to heal me but I feel like im falling through the cracks oh please tell me you words of wisdom (I know you can't fix it for me but oh wouldn't that be nice.
    I even started writing myself I have a bloig at: http://www.chely5150@wordpress.com ) to try to help myself I enjoy putting the feelings I have into words and then down on paper even if no one may read them or everyone will. its still my therapy of choice currently OK IM SO SORRY SO LONG THANKS SO MUCH FOR LISTENING -chely

  • Mikk says:

    Flipping it around! As a man, if someone try's to flip things around and say things like.."you're probably going to leave me anyway" could be a man's way of recognizing that he's going down the wrong path and is obviously changing and could be jeopardizing his marriage. I haven't experienced this myself but I can see it happening pretty naturally when a man starts to go through a mid life crisis. I sincerely hope I never experience MLC because the last thing I ever want to be is a miserable depressed man who tries to flip things on an innocent wife.
    My recent post Mort Fertel says to Put Love First – How Do You Do It and How Can This Help Save Your Marriage?

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