• ThePhoenix says:

    Thank you for recycling. I am new to this blog and new to the idea that my husband is a MLCR. I'm still not even sure I believe it myself. I guess since my bomb drop was only Nov 9th , I am still in the 6 week shock/acceptance phase. My husband was/is a practicing catholic but started pulling away from the church a few months before he started his 2 month emotional affair in July, which turned physical in Sept. He is a soldier and turned to the OW instead of me during a very stressful and pressure filled training.Keep in mind his in not young, but 46. Its like he left one man and came back another. I sensed things were different almost immediately, which is how I found out about the OW. Anyway, back to your post…I have been in contact with our priest since I found out, and he is young hip and very open about talking about what has been going on and trying to get my "Sweeetheart" back to reality. My husband has actually agreed to have dinner with him during the next week, this after ignoring our priest for the past few months, who he has been very close to for many years. It is the season of hope and the only thing harder than having blind faith (which doesn't seem that hard prob because I have not completed the detachment process) is refocusing on myself and finding my own voice that does not include my husbands. That is my personal growth, my challenge for the New Year. Again your post is all about hope, not just for the marriage you are standing for, but for our own personal growth during this process. I thank you for your website. Bless you for your giving to so many of us who need the solace.

  • Rollercoasterider says:

    Thank you for your comments. Yes, you are in the initial stages of shock when it is possibly the most traumatic physiologically. Have you read my series on this? Here's a link to the first article in the series. http://loveanyway.theherosspouse.com/?p=270
    I know this is difficult, but he is notn going to come "back" to reality. He will continue to move forward…deeper into the tunnel and then to reality once he is through the MLC tunnel. So he will get to reality, but not by moving backwards.
    My recent post Mary Believed

  • Heather says:

    I love this statement "Faith is Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence; it leaps across chasms of the impossible." I'm sharing it on my facebook statues and referencing you so that others will hopefully feel the strength in these words, especially during what is supposed to be a joyous season. Thank you for sharing this. I needed the strength in these words myself.

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